Tuesday, January 31, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Chrono results ss197SR

FN FiveseveN Forums - Chrono results ss197SR

FN FiveseveN Forums - state to state transfer

Posted by Prolix:

FN FiveseveN Forums - state to state transfer: "Yeah, lists like that one or the one I saw at Glock Talk are nice for cross-referencing. Especially when the rules vary like in my state of Minnesota. I already knew suppressors were illegal; I had no idea MG/SBS were limited to FFL holders.

So now I'm trying to straighten out the rules on SBR's. I think I have the federal stuff understood pretty well though. p99guy posted a nice little shopping list in this thread. You'll need:

2x ATF Form 5320-1 (Get it here.)

2x Passport-style photos (specifies approximately 2'x2', I would assume color photos) to affix to the form under item 12.

2x FBI FD-258 'blue lines' fingerprint cards. Then get printed at your local PD/Sheriff's Office (maybe for free; my PD wants $10 per set). You should probably request these from the ATF NFA office so that they come with some pre-printed information on them. I got mine from a local gun shop that is trying to help me out, and in the 'ORI' field is the following typewritten text:

WASH, DCHowever, I assume that might be outdated since the NFA office is in VA now (I think!).

1x ATF Form 5330.20 (Get it here.) Once called 'the FBI form' by someone I know--not sure why. Has you declare/certify that you are a citizen.

1x Postal money order for $200.00, to cover the tax.

Usual advice I hear is 'make sure your forms are completely filled out' (even the little fields on the blue lines cards), 'make sure to print your Form 1 onto two sides of one sheet of paper', etc. Oh, the Form 1 is actually a 4-page PDF file, but the last two pages are instructions just for you.

I also heard rumor of needing to pay some"

State by State Chart of NFA Restrictions

State by State Chart of NFA Restrictions

Monday, January 30, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Who makes the integrated laser?

Posted by turk:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Who makes the integrated laser?: "Can't see how taking it apart would void the warranty, there is nothing inside to mess up. Besides the SBR conversion I am going to do will take care of the warranty.
By the way all you need is a 3mm hex key to take it apart. It just pulls apart after the bolts are taken out, and believe it or not nothing comes flying out at you when it's done!! You know like springs, pins ect."

Index of /~u85818584/gal

3D models, including the FsN

Index of /~u85818584/gal

Blank Firing Gun Ammunition for Real Firearms

Blanks and BFAs/BFDs

Blank Firing Gun Ammunition for Real Firearms

PB Clermont SA (Factory powder)

PB Clermont SA

FN FiveseveN Forums - Vihtavuori Powders (Factory powder)

Posted by wildeye111:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Vihtavuori Powders: "I have some info concerning the original powder mfg that FN used. FN used a Powder Manufacture called PB Clermont site:
http://www.pb-clermont.be/v_h01/index_swf.html, a subsidery of Eurenco groupe SNPE from Belgium. This parent company also controls EURENCO Bofors- which is Alliant Powder in the USA, EURENCO Vihtavuori- which is Vihta Vuori distrbuted via Kaltron-Pettibone in the USA and EURENCO France- which is PB Clermont. PB Clermont distributes their powder via Western Powders under the brand name of RAMSHOT. FN will not give out this info but I have researched and found that the TRUE BLUE is the actual powder used for all 5.7 rounds. More details via site:http://www.eurenco.com/en/propellants/index.html I have talked with Don at Kaltron-Pettibone site:http://www.vihtavuori-lapua.com/contact.asp .......He uses and suggest N105. I have more info regarding my test loads and sample SS109 rounds at http://www.armslocker.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28977. Hope this helps. Oh yeah..I am using True Blue, but i will also be testing N105,
and Accurate No. 7. Hope this helps.

FN FiveseveN Forums - 55 grain loads

Posted by Rnelson11:

FN FiveseveN Forums - 55 grain loads: "In FiveseveN Pistol

55 grain Sierra Gameking, HS6 powder, CCI small rifle primers, 1x and 2x fired cases.

3.4 grains - Avg 957 - 1001, 914
3.6 grains - Avg 1032 - 1072, 992
3.7 grains - Avg 1062 - 1020, 1022, 1094, 1111
3.8 grains - Avg 1085 - 1103, 1066
3.9 grains - Avg 1090 - 1063, 1139, 1068
4.0 grains - Avg 1114 - 1141, 1134, 1079, 1110, 1099, 1119
4.1 grains - Avg 1157 - 1098, 1216
4.3 grains - Avg 1229 - 1229, 1222, 1247, 1220
4.5 grains - Avg 1314 - 1325, 1342, 1315, 1293, 1299
4.7 grains - Avg 1296 - 1292, 1293, 1320, 1290, 1285
4.9 grains - Avg 1375 - 1323, 1365, 1438

Primers started to crater at 4.3 grains and the shoulders moved about like factory rounds at 4.5 grains.
No flatening of the primers at all (I do use Locktite 609 on all primers for the 5.7x28).
I saw no signs of overpressure. The overall length of the cases increased slightly from 4.0 to 4.9 (.003 Avg) and I also checked the diameter of the case just above the rim and there was no change at all.
The lighter weight charges hit about 6' low but once I reaches 4.3 grains they started to come up closer to factory rounds.

I can not explain what happened at 4.7 grains but I plan to re-test these and go up to 5.5 grains. It is suppose to rain today so it may be next weekend before I can test anymore."

Sunday, January 29, 2006

ArmsLocker Forums - Reloading the 5.7x28

A 20+ page thread on reloading, including getting the lead out of SS109s

ArmsLocker Forums - Reloading the 5.7x28

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Chrono results ss197SR

Posted by onceA6shooter:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Chrono results ss197SR: "I chronographed some ss197 out of my 57yesterday with slightly higher results. I fired 10 rounds and It was 65-70 degrees in the AZ desert.

High 1717.4
Low 1674.6
Avg 1695.0
SD 12.3

The Standard Deviation for the group looked good compared to the 192 and 195.
SD 27.7
Avg 1967.6

SD 19.8
Avg 1964.1

I shot the 195 yesterday at the same time as the SS197, but the SS192 was shot last march just after I got my 57."

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Group Buy for Jarvis Threaded barrel for Five SeveN

Posted by jfk:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Group Buy for Jarvis Threaded barrel for Five SeveN: "

I hope you guys get a better price break than I did. I called Bill and spoke to him for a good fifteen minutes. I bought a barrel from him a few years ago for my HK and I love it.

I saw this thread and was interested in the group buy. I was worried Bill did not reply, so I called him and politely asked him about the buy and what kind of a price break I would be getting. Bill had to take a few minutes to gather his notes regarding the group buy.

Bill told me that he did receive an e-mail reagrding the barrels and he put some thought to how much of a break he could give. Bill told me the 5.7 barrel actually consists of five parts that he would have to manufacture. Bill makes other barrels that do not require this much parts and labor. I'm sure he could have discounted prices on some of those barrels.

I told Bill there were others interested in his barrels and members of this board intended to buy a batch of his barrels. Bill told me that he could not give a price break or a break significant enough to join in the buy. He said the group buy would have to a very large order to reflect a break.

I'm sure if the military or a large L.E. agency approached Bill and requested a large amount of barrels, Bill could lower the price but he would have to hire more people to assist him with the build. He would have to re-direct his staff to work on the 5.7 barrels specifically.

Suppose the military/government wanted 300 barrels and he sold them at $220.00 each. Bill would make some extra barrels/parts in case there were any repair/warranty issues. In this case, lets say there are enough parts to make fifty extra barrels. The government contract goes off without a hitch and there are fifty barrels left plus some springs and other parts. A"

Hand-loading .22 WMR

Comp-tac [www.comp-tac.com]

Comp-tac [www.comp-tac.com]

The Gun Source - FN Herstal Hand Guns

The Gun Source - FN Herstal Hand Guns

Monday, January 23, 2006

Introducing the GAU 22E

More rimfire minigun (including plans on a hand-cranked model.)
Introducing the GAU 22E

The .22 Rimfire Minigun

NOT strictly 5.7x28mm related, but FUN...

The .22 Rimfire Minigun

Sunday, January 22, 2006

GunBroker.com Item 42885468 [Ends Feb-03-06 05:19:12 PM] 5.7x28 FN 14" Barrel for Contender & G2

GunBroker.com Item 42885468 [Ends Feb-03-06 05:19:12 PM] 5.7x28 FN 14" Barrel for Contender & G2: "You are bidding on a New Contender Barrel chamber for 5.7 X 28 FN. This barrel is 14' long and is made by Coyote guns in Indiana. ALL barrels with 6 hole scope mounting and Bellm Heavy Duty Barrel lock spring. All barrels are blued with matted finishes. All barrels have Button Rifled and are Air Gaged to .0002 and Stress Relieved.Check out some of other barrels. To pay by credit card or e-check, you must pay through Paypal. Account number is: gunner7243@yahoo.com Coyote Guns and Accessory, LLC (formerly Dustin�s Custom Form Brass) We will even sale barrel that are unchamber if you would like to chamber it your self. Visa/MasterCard with paypal only.

Pictures for Item # 42885468


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

RSR Group

Search Results

Monday, January 16, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Redding Dies in 5.7 x 28

Posted by cobra2266:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Redding Dies in 5.7 x 28: "I just got my Redding dies from Sinclair today. If anyone is interested in a set of redding dies. Set part number RD80477 shell holder part number RD11034."

Legal NFA ownership - what is it, how to get it.

Legal NFA ownership - what is it, how to get it.

Shooting Systems: Pistol Grip Shotgun Case

Shooting Systems: Pistol Grip Shotgun Case

Thursday, January 12, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - P90 cleaning kit?

Posted by Triple Tap:

FN FiveseveN Forums - P90 cleaning kit?: "Quote:
Originally Posted by eraser
What's included in the Otis P90 cleaning kit?

It has:
Cleaning instructions
on video and paper
Case with Alice clips
2in cleaning patches
female rod
mohair lens brush
8in memory flex cable
short a/p brush
mini nylon brush
locking lug pick
brass scraper
NATO adapter
slotted tip 5.56 mm
obstruction remover 5.56 mm
5.7mm chamber brush
5.7mm bore brush
otis o85 ultra bore solvent
5.7mm tapered brush
20 in memory flex cable
bore reflector"


WTS:FN PS90 CARBINE TACTICAL PACKAGE$2495ea..: "This is the brand new FN PS90 carbine in 5.7x28.Package comes comeplete with the following:
1.Black Polymer Stock 'Special Edition' PS-90 5.7x28 Carbine
2.Fitted Pelican Hard Case(for firearm/spare magazines/ammo/and accessories)
3.3 50rnd P90 'UNMARKED' Magazines.
4.1 30rnd P90 'UNMARKED' Magazines
5.250 Rounds(5 boxes)Of Each Of The Following Ammo SS195(Beligum Mfg.)SS196(Beligum Mfg.)SS197(USA Mfg.) For A Total Of 750rnds.
6.Black Super High Quality 3 Point Tactical Sling.
7.Cleaning Kit.
This is the nicest turn key ready to shoot PS90 package on the market!We have just a few of these special packages available for sale.Price is firm.So please no offers or trades.Thank You.
CALL 610-589-1998 TO ORDER

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Anybody interested in night sights for $140.00

Posted by jfk:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Anybody interested in night sights for $140.00: "Okay, drum roll please..........

Here's the scoop. I emailed a major tritium sight maker and asked them if they made night sights for the 5.7 and they replied 'sorry, we do not.' I called the company and spoke to the receptionist who was very polite. I asked her if there was any way of having tritium sight installed on my gun and she told me they work with a company called Citadel. Citadel does custom work and they supply Citadel with the tritium capsules.

Citadel gets the price break since they have any arrangement with the company. I told the receptionist the 5.7 is picking up steam and should be considered. She told me that she would talk to the Vice Pres. of the company and run it by him, but in the meanwhile Citadel could take care of me.

I spoke to Mike at Citadel and he said they do nights sights for the 5.7. The slide is the only part that is needed for the conversion, so no FFL is required. The front and rear sights are mill out to accept a bar-dot combo.

Citadel Gun and Safe
4305 Dean Martin Rd. #165
Las Vegas, NV 89103
(702) 221-4867
ATTN: Mike"

FN FiveseveN Forums - Just got my Laserex... Looking for the side rail/correct PN#

Posted by CMMG:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Just got my Laserex... Looking for the side rail/correct PN#: "The factory [side] rails are pricy; they run $80.95 and we have a few in stock. The FN PN is: 3819999998."

FN FiveseveN Forums - PS90 RIng Sights

Posted by FNMAN:

FN FiveseveN Forums - PS90 RIng Sights: "Not true. There is a picatinny rail available to replace the reflex sight. Part #3819400120. And there is a sight with a black reticle that the USSS uses on their P-90's, part # 3817110030 "

Monday, January 09, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - Group Buy for Jarvis Threaded barrel for Five SeveN

posted by david b fisher:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Group Buy for Jarvis Threaded barrel for Five SeveN: "Fisher ent is also making a suppressor for the 57


MidwayUSA - Shilen Barrel Remington 700 5.7x28mm FN 1 in 14" Twist Varmint Contour 26" Stainless Steel

MidwayUSA - Shilen Barrel Remington 700 5.7x28mm FN 1 in 14" Twist Varmint Contour 26" Stainless Steel: "Shilen Barrel Remington 700 5.7x28mm FN 1 in 14' Twist Varmint Contour 26' Stainless Steel

Shilen Remington 700 barrels are pre-threaded short-chambered and crowned. Barrel exteriors are polished to a 180-grit finish. The bores of stainless steel barrels are hand lapped. Requires installation and finish chambering by a qualified gunsmith. "

Thursday, January 05, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - P90 Laserex Internal Laser

Posted by flyon (there's some additional followup on the thread too.)

FN FiveseveN Forums - P90 Laserex Internal Laser: "This is information I found while looking into what it would take to put a P90 Laserex internal laser into a PS90.

In searching for PS90 parts and accessories I saw a review on installing the Laserex Laser Sight in an airsoft P90. The review said they used a real P90 Laserex Laser, so I thought maybe we could use some of the info on installing it into a PS90.


Where they purchased the laser
Search for �P90� �Laser�

So first I contacted Lasermax the makers of the P90 Laser.
They told me the Laserex Laser they sell to DEN Trinity is a lower powered version of the laser sight they sell to FN. They also said if I want the real version of the laser I needed to contact FN in Belgium. I doubt if they would sell to me. I can�t find the spec�s but I thought I saw the real Laserex laser was higher then the 5mW allowed(?). I then asked Laserex if they had any conversion information, they didn�t.

Next, I contacted Den Trinitry Shop Sales and asked them for instructions or a manual on the conversion. They are the ones that sell the �real� P90 laser. They didn�t have one either. They offered to do the conversion for me. I then told them it would be for a real P90(PS90) and not a airsoft P90. They said have never seen a real P90 before so they didn�t know if it would fit. By the way, the cost is around $220 plus shipping.

That�s as far as I�ve gone.

The other way of installing a laser would to be mounting it on a side rail.
Some modifications are required. I think you need to drill a hole thru the front vertical sight mount(for lack of a bet"

AR15.COM :: Forums :: Topic :: Picked up my PS90 at CMMG today!!! pic inside

AR15.COM :: Forums :: Topic :: Picked up my PS90 at CMMG today!!! pic inside

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