Thursday, January 05, 2006

FN FiveseveN Forums - P90 Laserex Internal Laser

Posted by flyon (there's some additional followup on the thread too.)

FN FiveseveN Forums - P90 Laserex Internal Laser: "This is information I found while looking into what it would take to put a P90 Laserex internal laser into a PS90.

In searching for PS90 parts and accessories I saw a review on installing the Laserex Laser Sight in an airsoft P90. The review said they used a real P90 Laserex Laser, so I thought maybe we could use some of the info on installing it into a PS90.


Where they purchased the laser
Search for �P90� �Laser�

So first I contacted Lasermax the makers of the P90 Laser.
They told me the Laserex Laser they sell to DEN Trinity is a lower powered version of the laser sight they sell to FN. They also said if I want the real version of the laser I needed to contact FN in Belgium. I doubt if they would sell to me. I can�t find the spec�s but I thought I saw the real Laserex laser was higher then the 5mW allowed(?). I then asked Laserex if they had any conversion information, they didn�t.

Next, I contacted Den Trinitry Shop Sales and asked them for instructions or a manual on the conversion. They are the ones that sell the �real� P90 laser. They didn�t have one either. They offered to do the conversion for me. I then told them it would be for a real P90(PS90) and not a airsoft P90. They said have never seen a real P90 before so they didn�t know if it would fit. By the way, the cost is around $220 plus shipping.

That�s as far as I�ve gone.

The other way of installing a laser would to be mounting it on a side rail.
Some modifications are required. I think you need to drill a hole thru the front vertical sight mount(for lack of a bet"

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