Thursday, December 22, 2005

Terminal Ballistics (Good article)

A good article on terminal ballistics

Terminal Ballistics

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Defense Review - Fiocchi to make 5.7x28mm Ammo for Five-seveN USG Pistol and PS90 Carbine

Defense Review - Fiocchi to make 5.7x28mm Ammo for Five-seveN USG Pistol and PS90 Carbine: "For Immediate Release:
December 12, 2005

Sarah Perry
703.288.1292, X 117

David A. Golladay, Jr.

FNH USA partners with Fiocchi of America:
New 5.7 x 28mm sporting ammunition to carry the FN brand
McLean, Va. (December 12, 2005) ? As announced in September 2005, Herstal, Belgium-based FN Herstal and Lecco, Italy-based Fiocchi Munizioni S.P.A. have officially signed a cooperative agreement for the manufacturing of 5.7 X 28mm ammunition by Fiocchi in the United States. The 5.7 X 28mm ammunition developed and designed by FN Herstal will be...

marketed under the FN brand name.

This agreement has now been expanded to include the U.S. market. Fiocchi of America will begin loading SS196 SR and SS197 SR cartridges this month in its Ozark, Mo. manufacturing facility with expectations to reach full capacity by first quarter 2006. The FN-designed cartridges will be sold in the U.S. by FNH USA, LLC through its distribution network.

?This agreement allows us to keep pace with consumer demand for the popular 5.7 x 28 mm cartridge as well as the Five seveN? USG handguns and the new and upcoming PS 90? semi-automatic carbine,? said Rick DeMilt, Director of Commercial and Law Enforcement Sales and Marketing for FNH USA. ?Having a U.S. supplier is a significant advantage.?

Founded in 1876 by Giulio Fiocchi, Fiocchi Munizioni S.P.A. is a worldwide leader in the manufacture of small caliber ammunition.

Headquartered in McLean, Va., FNH USA, Inc. is a subsidiary and sales and marketing arm of FN Herstal, S.A., Belgium, whose corporate mis"

Monday, December 12, 2005

Answers ... to SBR Form 1 questions (related to HK94)

Answers ...: "In Response To: Thanks! Some form 1 questions ctx.. (Thanks, Calif DOJ!)
1. What do I put as the 'model'?
You can leave the model number alone (HK94), or make up a new one of your choosing. If you want you can call it 'Howard's Most Excellent Short Barreled Bang Stick', if you can find enough room to engrave it ...
2. Do I have to put anything under the 'additional markings' box?
Nothing is required, it's typically only used when you have a sear 'married' to a firearm where the receiver is not registered separately, or when an integral suppressor is permanently mounted to a specific firearm, etc.
3. What is name and address of 'original manufacturer'?
The original manufacturer is HK, but ATF will accept either the manufacturer or importer as the 'original', so either the German address or their US HQ (Sterling, Va) will be fine. No need to have the complete address, ATF knows who (and where) they are. If you really want the entire address do a Goggle on them - they have a website, look under 'contact'.
4. What is best to put for OAL?
Put the actual OAL as the gun is currently configured. No law or regulation requires the OAL be permanent ...
Howard "

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#1 Home FFL Kit--Get Your Home/Web Dealer's License!

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Op-Ed: Can You Still Get An FFL?

Op-Ed: Can You Still Get An FFL?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

FN FiveseveN Forums - PS90 30 round mags easy to make 50!

Posted by 14.5mm:

FN FiveseveN Forums - PS90 30 round mags easy to make 50!: "PS90 30 round mags easy to make 50!

OK, I know there's been lots of gnashing of teeth about the 30 round mags. Me too......then I pawed the one over which came with this review gun......


Regular mag with just a filler block in it. Guess what, they made it so that you can still pop the mag right apart for cleaning.....and guess what, the filler comes right out......

Now, the filler is integral to the piece which locks the floorplate on. Soooo, all one would have to do is trim the filler piece off. Then put it back together.....

I only really pawed this mag over after looking at the dissasembly pics of it in the factory manual.

So, it appears you will be able to take plain jane 30 round mags and convert them back into 50 rounders with no problemo......perfectly legal even...


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

FN FiveseveN Forums - Hi!

Posted by Medula Oblongota:

FN FiveseveN Forums - Hi!: "Reliability of the FiveseveN is phenomenal. I finally shout out the factory FiveseveN barrel a couple of weeks ago at 'only' 40,050 rounds (99% handloads). The only stoppages I had were from short ogive bullets seated too long, a few times where I didn't debur the outside of the neck enough, and one bad lot of Remington 7 1/2 br primers where 20% failed to ignite (Remington replaced the primers and recalled the lot). I had a couple of pierced primers from REALLY hot loads, but was unable to find any damage to the gun no matter what I fed it.

I have had excellent experiences with Viht 3N37, Hodgdon HS-6, and Ramshot True-Blue powders. Incidentally, I just disected a few SS195LF rounds and have determined that the powder appears to be either Ramshot True-Blue or Ramshot Zip @ precisely 6.5 grains (hard to tell without factor load data, which FN refuses to release). I loaded a few rounds about a year ago with Blue Dot, but after looking at the large amount of powder fouling (Blue Dot is a VERY dirty powder because of the large amount of graphite in it) decided not to use it any more.

The bullets to use are .224 diameter. SS195LF uses a 27.3 (average of 25 pulled SS195LF rounds) grain bullet, but I have used as heavy as 77 (longer than mag length and must be loaded singly). The 35 grain VMax is excellent, but hard to load because of its flat base. I prefer the 40grn VMax and Nosler Ballistic tip rounds because they are boat-tailed. But anything you want to use anywhere from 30-46 is pretty safe. Check the cases for excessive pressure before increasing powder weight, and of course, start low and work up to maximum. Check out the reloading forum for load data.

Cleaning of the FiveseveN is a snap, and with the correct powders I went approximately 2000 rounds between"

The Rhineland AR-57 in action

Yet another view of the Rhineland AR-57

Another view of the Rhineland AR-57

Rhineland's AR-57

Friday, December 02, 2005

The Official Defcon Shoot Page *CANCELED*

The Official Defcon Shoot Page *CANCELED*: "

NEWS <07/05/05>

*OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT* - Defcon Shoot canceled.
Here is the email I sent out to the dcshoot mailing list:

From Tue Jul 5 08:18:52 2005 -0700
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 08:18:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: CHS
Subject: OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - Defcon Shoot Canceled.

I'm afraid to announce that this year, I'm stepping down from the defcon
shoot - in effect canceling it..

I've been doing it since defcon 5, and it was always a blast. we had a great
run, but it was originally founded for a bit of desert fun while out at the con
and has since turned into more work than play.

It's grown way too big for its britches and I just don't have the means to
support something of its size anymore. Every year for the past 3-4 years us
RO's have been drawn a little thinner as more and more yahoo's and wackjobs
showed up.

don't get me wrong, 99% of the shooters are great people, and I would gladly
trust them as shooting partners any day of the week. but, well, a few bad
apples and other cliches, you know?

With the end of the shoot I'll be able to concentrate more on gooning and
sleeping in a couple extra hours saturday morning, and party all that much
harder on friday - something that since becoming staff has been incredibly hard
and stressful on me each year.

The defcon shoot has been an incredible success, and save for perhaps the
capture-the-flag contest is the single largest official defcon event. So,
unfortunately defcon will be a little bit quieter this year, without all the

Also to mention is its increasingly harder"

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