Monday, December 12, 2005

Answers ... to SBR Form 1 questions (related to HK94)

Answers ...: "In Response To: Thanks! Some form 1 questions ctx.. (Thanks, Calif DOJ!)
1. What do I put as the 'model'?
You can leave the model number alone (HK94), or make up a new one of your choosing. If you want you can call it 'Howard's Most Excellent Short Barreled Bang Stick', if you can find enough room to engrave it ...
2. Do I have to put anything under the 'additional markings' box?
Nothing is required, it's typically only used when you have a sear 'married' to a firearm where the receiver is not registered separately, or when an integral suppressor is permanently mounted to a specific firearm, etc.
3. What is name and address of 'original manufacturer'?
The original manufacturer is HK, but ATF will accept either the manufacturer or importer as the 'original', so either the German address or their US HQ (Sterling, Va) will be fine. No need to have the complete address, ATF knows who (and where) they are. If you really want the entire address do a Goggle on them - they have a website, look under 'contact'.
4. What is best to put for OAL?
Put the actual OAL as the gun is currently configured. No law or regulation requires the OAL be permanent ...
Howard "

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