Friday, March 03, 2006

Rhineland Arms - Update

Rhineland Arms: "The AR57 upper is a completely new design by Rhineland Arms. The design allows for the use of our upper on any AR15/M16 lower (note class 2 will be available from another mfg) The rifle uses standard 30 or 50 round magazines that attach to the top of the rifle, cartridges feed from the top and eject out the bottom of the magazine well. The upper is available with a stainless steel 16.5' barrel, threaded for the standard M16 flash hider. Features include a scope rails on the top and bottom of the rifle with attachment points on the sides.
The AR57 upper is designed for heavy duty use in sandy or muddy environments. Other features include easy to diss-assemble design for rapid cleaning, that can be done in the field with no tools required. Internal small parts are standard off the shelf US military, except for the firing pin. Estimated release date is late April with a price around $550.
AR57 update, pilot run production starts in March."

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