The P90 submachine gun was developed in the late1980s by the Belgian Fabrique Nationale (FN) ofHerstal. It was intended as a personal defenseweapon for non-frontline troops, vehicle drivers, tankand artillery crews. The FN P90 appeared in the early1990s. At the time of it's introduction it wasconsidered as a new generation weapon. It was thefirst personal defense weapon and took intermediateposition between SMGs and assault rifles. About 20000 of these submachine guns were sold for militaryoperators and law enforcement forces worldwide.Currently it is in service with Belgium and about 25export operators
FN P90
Submachine Gun
he FN P90 SMG is a clean sheetdesign. It is a blowback operated,selective fire weapon with bullpup layout,which fires from closed bolt. This PDW ischambered for a newly-developed 5.7 x 28mm low-impulse and high-velocityammunition with sharp nose bullets. Thisround has enhanced penetrationcomparing with 9 x 19 mm pistol roundand is effective against body armor atranges of 100 m and beyond. It resemblesa scaled-down standard NATO 5.56 x 45mm round. This weapon penetrates astandard US Army helmet at a range of150 m.
5.7 x 28 mm
Weight (empty)
2.54 kg
500 mm
Length (with folded stock)
Barrel length
263 mm
Muzzle velocity
850 m/s
Cyclic rate of fire
900 rpm
Practical rate of fire
50 - 150 rpm
Magazine capacity
50 rounds
Sighting range
150 m
Range of effective fire
200 m
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