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FN P90式5.7mm个人自卫武器FN P90 - 5.7mm personal weapons for self-defense
产品名称:FN P90式5.7mm个人自卫武器
FN P905.7mm Personal Defence WeaponProduct name : FN P90 - 5.7mm personal weapons for self-defense "P905.7mm FN School Official Cites Use of Personal Defense Weapon
研制单位:比利时国营赫斯塔尔公司(FN公司)Herstal company owned research and development units : Belgium (FN)
FN Herstal SA,BEFN Herstal SA, BE
Status : production of the "Organization Department Holds Press Conference
Uses : Anti - 150m launcher targets within the "Organization Department Holds Press Conference
概 述Summary
1986年,比利时国营赫斯塔尔公司开始了有关个人自卫武器的研制。1986, the Belgian state-owned Herstal Company began the development of the personal weapons for self-defense. 经过 市场调查、方案论证和性能试验,于1990年底设计定型,1991年第二 季度正式投入批量生产。After conducting market research, feasibility studies and test programs, designs have been finalized by the end of 1990. put into mass production in 1991 second quarter. 目前沙特阿拉伯军队已正式装备了FN P90式个人自卫 武器。Saudi troops have now officially FN P90-equipped personal weapons for self-defense.
FNP90式个人自卫武器是一支崭新的武器,具有结构新颖、火力持续性和 终点效应好等特点。FNP90 is a new type of personal weapons for self-defense weapons and has a novel structure. and the effect of sustained firepower good end features.
1. 枪
该枪为自由枪机式,闭膛待击,射击精度比开膛待击方式好。1. Gun "bolt-School Official Cites Use of electron gun for freedom, and loads to be closed down, shooting accuracy better way than disembowelling you down. 该枪由枪管、机 匣、弹匣和瞄准具、枪机、复进簧等部件组成。Electron gun by the barrel, the machine software, cartridges and aiming device, bolt, recuspring other component parts. 全枪零部件较少,而且在总共 69个零部件中,工程塑料件为27个,金属机加件为14个,其余28个零 件只是弹簧、销子之类。CHAIRMAN less gun parts, and components of a total of 69, for 27 pieces of engineering plastics. metal machine parts for the 14, the remaining 28% cases only spring pin and so on.
该枪结构的新颖性表现在以下几个方面:(1)采用上方供弹方式,50发弹 匣装在枪管上方并与枪管平行;双排排列并与枪管轴线垂直配置的枪弹,在托 弹簧的推动下并借重力之助落在滑动装置上,滑动装置旋转90°,使枪弹对 准弹膛,并由枪机送入枪膛。The novel electron gun structure shown in the following aspects : (1) above used for the missile, 50 rounds of ammunition box in a barrel and above parallel with the barrel; dual axis vertical distribution arrangement with the barrel of bullets, Spring in the promotion of child and through the assistance of gravity on the slide, slide 90 ° rotation. so that the quasi-cylinder bullets, which bolt into the chamber. (2)采用一种呈直线形的短枪托结构,使后坐 力直接沿枪管轴线传递到射手肩部,便于控制武器;机匣和击发机构都装在枪 托里,既安全,又紧凑。(2) use of a linear-shaped structure in the short butt, recoilless launchers directly transmitted to the shoulder along the barrel axis. facilitate arms control; Firing guns in the body and are equipped receiver Robert Torricelli, a safe, compact. (3)采用带孔的握把,人机功效好,孔的大小正好 能伸进大姆指,握持时枪托与射手的前臂成一条直线;前端有一个安全挡块, 可防止将手指伸到枪口处;扳机护圈可作为前托。(3) the use of the handle hole, the crew effectiveness, the size of the pores can actually stretching his thumb. Holding at the butt and forearm form a straight shooter; forefront of a security block to prevent finger probe to muzzle; as a former child can trigger the protector. (4)射手左右手均可操持 射击,枪两侧分别设有机械瞄准具、拉机柄和弹匣卡笋。(4) shooter aide may manage fire with machine guns on both sides were aiming device, stretching machine, stalk and shoot cartridges cards. (5)抛壳窗位于机匣下方,可确保射击时不会因抛壳伤害射手。(5) parabolic shell casing at the bottom of the window, to ensure that the fire will not be hurt by dumping carcasses shooter. (6)弹匣用白色透明的高强度 塑料制成,可随时检查剩余弹数,表面进行了无光处理。(6) cartridges with a high-intensity white transparent plastics, they can always check the remaining missiles, surface treatment of the dark.
该枪的击发发射机构装在机匣后部,握把下面装有快慢机。Agencies working on the launch of electron gun mounted on the rear casing, below the handle with speed machine. 快慢机由一个带宽 切口的转盘构成,设有保险、单发、连发3种方式。Speed bandwidth consists of a turntable constitute incision, with insurance, a single, continuous three ways. 保险机构有手动保险、偶 发保险和不到位保险三种,手动保险可锁闭击发阻铁和击锤,偶发保险可防止 武器跌落走火,不到位保险可防止枪机未闭锁时出现早发火。Hand insurance companies have insurance, and insurance is not in place even made three insurance, the insurance can be manually lock stop firing iron and auctioneers. Drop arms fire to prevent accidental insurance, the insurance is not in place to prevent the locking bolt did not arise as early as kindling.
该枪的背带环可根据需要设在枪的任何一侧。Central electron gun under the straps need any guns in the side. FNP90式射击精度也很好,在 50m处10发弹高低散布不大于200mm。FNP90-shooting accuracy is also very good, with 10 rounds in the 50m level Department spread more than 200mm.
2. 瞄准装置
该枪配有反射准直式瞄准镜和机械瞄准具。2. Aiming devices "School Official Cites Use reflective electron gun is equipped with telescopes and mechanical Sight-alignment. 瞄准镜中的环形十字线分划可使射 手快速捕捉目标和准确瞄准。Cross at the mirror circular firing line will divide hand delivery and accurate aiming.
3. 弹药
该枪发射5.7mm普通弹----(SS90式)、空包弹、近程弹和高速弹。3. Ammunition "School Official Cites Use ordinary electron gun fired missile-5.7mm (SS90-), Blank ammunition. short-range missiles and high-speed missiles. 普通 弹全弹长43.2mm、弹壳长28.75mm。Ordinary bombs entire length, 43.2mm, 28.75mm long cartridge.
性能数据Property Data
口径----5.7mmCaliber ----5.7mm
初速----850m/sVelocity ----850m/s
膛压----<320MPaPressure ----<320MPa
有效射程----150mEffective range ----150m
射速----900发/minSpeed development of min ----900
全枪长----500mmAutomated free bolt-style "single-School Official Cites Use fired. automatic "mode-School Official Cites Use of ammunition cartridges for the" Organization Department Holds Press Conference : bombs ----50 issue of the "School Official Cites Use of all long guns ----500mm
枪管长----230mm----230mm Long barrel
全枪质量----Quality-wide gun
不含弹匣----2.8kg----2.8kg Non Magazines
含50发实弹匣----3.2kg----3.2kg Real cartridges containing 50 rounds
弹匣质量----Magazines quality -
空弹匣----125gBlank cartridges ----125g
实弹匣----400g----400g Real Magazines
普通弹----Collimating mirror-at-aiming devices and machinery Sight "----5.7 types of missiles for use by School Official Cites Use of more than 28mm × ordinary bombs tracer Blank ammunition, missiles and high-speed short-range missile "missile-General Organization Department Holds Press Conference
全弹质量----5.5gWhole quality ----5.5g
弹头质量----1.5gQuality warheads ----1.5g
My notes (and other findings) related to the FN 5.7x28mm Weapon System (Ammunition, Five-seveN pistol, P90 PDW, PS90 carbine, CMMG Banshee Mk57, SCHV weapons in general, conversion of other weapons, accessories, reloading, etc.)
Friday, July 01, 2005
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