Wednesday, July 13, 2005 Item 34634854 [Ends Jul-18-05 08:55:45 PM] FN 5.7X28 T194 5.7 Hollowpoint 50-rd. SealedBox Item 34634854 [Ends Jul-18-05 08:55:45 PM] FN 5.7X28 T194 5.7 Hollowpoint 50-rd. SealedBox: "Description for Item # 34634854

This is an extremely rare item. IT IS NO LONGER PRODUCED AND/OR IMPORTED BY FN. The very first production-line of the SS192 round. This is a factory-sealed 50-rd. box of FN 5.7X28mm T194 Hollowpoint ammunition made in Belgium. FN color-coded all their various rounds for quick recognition and to eliminate any possible deployment mistakes. The T194 was the very FIRST available Standard production round. It is identical in every aspect to the SS192 with the exception of the Green tip color. The T194 Green-tip was designated as the 'Training Round' to distinguish it from the SS190 Ball, L191 Tracer and Sb193 Subsonic rounds. FN removed the Green tip color and changed its designation to the 'Standard Round' now known as the SS192. This is an absolute collector's item. Please see GunBroker's Buyers' Guide and/or contact us for more detail regarding requirements for purchase of ammunition. We ship FedEx to Continental U.S. only. Payment in the form of a Money Order along with necessary documents must be received prior to shipment. Please contact us for more info and/or if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and good luck."

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