Friday, January 14, 2005

(Rumor) Civie P90s and 30,000 P90s for Dept of HomeSec

[Ed 12/28/2006 - like most rumors, some of the facts were skewed.]

Just an update, I heard that Dept of HomeSec has ordered about 30000 of P90. They're excellent defense SMG for guarding airports and other high value assets. So you're looking at some delays in civies versions. Nonetheless, these are coming out and there's nothing short of another AWB to stop them. These are made in the US so that's why there's no restriction on them. With any luck FN will be making other stuff here and selling them.

And another:

I got this back from the company that has the mags. Looks like the regular mags wont work in the semi-auto. I guess the new is made specifically for 30 rounds. WHICH SUXS! exact quote:"Just for info FN is not taking orders ans they do not even have a price nor release date for the Semi and they will not use the same mags as the P 90 which are not restrcted.These guys are really jumping the gun on this. The F2000 will probably happen before the P90"

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