Friday, August 26, 2005

Premium .224 Caliber Hunting Bullet Comparison - by Rob Martin

Premium .224 Caliber Hunting Bullet Comparison - by Rob Martin: "Sierra Game King
Another old standby for the test, the Game King is a widely used bullet. The construction is a simple tapered jacket design with a bump that, in theory, locks in the core and prevents over-expansion. The premise of the Game King was to give ballistic results similar to that of the highly acclaimed Match King in a hunting bullet. I will attest to the fact that they are very accurate and stable at long ranges, and I have made some impressively long range shots on varmints with these bullets (over six hundred meters on rock hyrax and jackal) and have put down larger game animals such as fallow deer, springbok and Blesbok at tree hundred plus meter ranges. Bullet performance, for me, has been a mixed bag of reliability over the years I have used the Game King, in part prompting this test in the first place.
The Sierras are a full metal jacket designed bullet with an open base. It is my though that the open base allows for the sometimes high percentage of bullet failure associated with this bullet. Wit nothing to retain any semblance of cohesion at the base of the bullet, there is nothing to keep the jacket intact after impacting bone. Many have abandoned this bullet in favor of newer bullet designs that have come down the pike in recent years. Sierra may want to rethink some of the antiquated designs they continue to produce and try to keep up with the Jonses.

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