Sunday, February 27, 2011

Track of the Wolf - Barrel liners: breech loading rifle bore liners

Track of the Wolf - Barrel liners: breech loading rifle bore liners

Barrel liners for breech loading rifles & pistols are hammer forged of special Chromium Molybdenum alloy steel, in the U.S.A. Each liner is hammer forged over a special mandrel, producing an extremely smooth and uniform bore of the desired dimensions. We offer these calibers, twist rates, bores, and diameters.

A skilled gunsmith with proper tools can easily install Track's precision liners. We offer the following configurations of caliber, bore diameter, groove diameter, twist rate, outside diameter. Specify the desired length in inches. We cut liners to your desired length, and ship quickly, typically within 5 to 7 days. Restore your old barrel.

Price is per inch. Specify the exact length, in inches, you require.
Quantity:Part Number:Description:Price:
Prompt shipment from remote storage. LINER-22-CENLiner for .22 centerfire, .219" bore, .224" groove, 1-16" twist, 6 grooves, 1/2" OD, per inch

Prompt shipment from remote storage. LINER-22-LONGLiner for .22 Long, .218" bore, .222" groove, 1-16" twist, 6 grooves, 3/8" OD, per inch

Prompt shipment from remote storage. LINER-22-MEDLiner for .22 centerfire, .218" bore, .223" groove, 1-16" twist, 6 grooves, 7/16" OD, per inch

Prompt shipment from remote storage. LINER-22-SHORTLiner for .22 Short, .218" bore, .222" groove, 1-20" twist, 6 grooves, 3/8" OD, per inch


Inst-143 Barrel Liner.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Inst-143 Barrel Liner.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Zimmermann Waffen oHG

Zimmermann Waffen oHG

Einstecklauf Z-Rasant 80 - unübertroffen in Schußleistung und Qualität

1980 in unserem Hause entwickelt, war der Z-Rasant 80 der erste für den jagdlichen Einsatz brauchbare Einstecklauf für Zentralfeuermunition. Die in Jägerkreisen und in unabhängigen Tests durchwegs hervorragenden Beurteilungen bezüglich Schußleistung, Qualität und Gebrauchfähigkeit beweisen, daß neben dem hohen Fertigungsstandart bei der Herstellung, sowie größter Sorgfalt und Genauigkeit beim Einbau uns auch ein Höchstmaß an Erfahrung auszeichnet.

Hierdurch bietet sich dem Waidmann die Möglichkeit, seinen Drilling, seine Bockbüchsflinte oder Flinte zu einer Allroundwaffe aufzuwerten und damit den heutigen jagdlichen Verhältnissen gerecht zu werden.

Schußpräzision: Wir gewähren eine Schußleistungsgarantie auf unsere E-Läufe von

5cm/100m, eine einwandfreie Schußleistung der Trägerwaffe wird vorausgesetzt.

Die eigenen Ergebnisse liegen erheblich unter dem o.a. Streukreis, teilweise

bei 1-2 cm.

VK-Preisliste (inkl. 19% Mwst, inkl. Montage), gültig ab 01.01.2010
.22 WMR/.22 lfB 12/16/20 940,00
.22 Hor. -ultraleicht- 12/16/20 750,00
.22 Hor. 12/16/20 864,00
5,6x50RMag. 12/16/20 880,00
5,6x50RMag -ultraleicht- 12/16/20 880,00
.222 Rem. 12/16/20 880,00
.222 Rem. -ultraleicht- 12/16/20 880,00
5,6x52R 12/16/20 880,00
5,6x52R -ultraleicht- 12/16/20 880
6x70R 12/16/20 905,00
6x70R -ultraleicht- 12/16/20 905,00
30-30 12/16/20 905,00
6,5x57R/7x57R 12/16/20 805,00
7x65R/8x57IRS 12/16/20 805,00
9,3x72R 12/16/20 805,00
9,3x74R/30-06 / .308 12/16 835,00
Andere Kaliber auf Anfrage

3-Schuß-Trefferbild 58,00
3-Schuß-Trefferbild ab Kal. 6,5x57R 91,00
Schlagbolzen verkleinern 102,00
Einbau eines seperaten Schlagbolzens
mit Schlagbolzenmutter (Anson & Deeley) 241,00
Justierhülse "V.V.V." 73,00
Justierhülse (seitliche Verstellung) 49,00
Auszieher für E-Lauf (Rohling) 23,00
dito für randlose Patronen 39,00
Verschluß dichten (nach Arbeitsaufwand) ab 229,00
E-Lauf umarbeiten auf "Justierung an der Mündung" ab 244,00
E-Lauf umbauen in eine andere Waffe ab 300,00
Auszieherplatte, inkl. Montage (EL ab Kal. 6,5x57R) 97,00

Händlerpreise bitte direkt anfragen!
Die E-Läufe können von WHE-Besitzern auch zum Selbsteinbau
bezogen werden

Für Schäden an der Waffe, welche durch den staatlichen Beschuß
hervorgerufen werden, übernehmen wir keine Haftung!

Lieferezeit ca. eine Woche

E-Läufe ab Kal. 6,5x57R und größer werden hauptsächlich in Bockbüchsflinten, Bockflinten und Doppelflinten eingebaut. So wird aus einer BBFl. eine Bockdoppelbüchse oder aus einer Doppelfllinte eine Büchsflinte oder sogar eine Doppelbüchse, wenn hier zwei E-Läufe eingebaut werden. Eine kostengünstigere Alternative wird es wohl kaum geben.

Zimmermann Waffen Waldweg 5 97772 Wildflecken Tel.: 09745-2121


KEPPELER GERMANY - Technische Entwicklungen GmbH - Sportwaffen - Metallschaft - Einsteckl�ufe - Insert Barrels

KEPPELER GERMANY - Technische Entwicklungen GmbH - Sportwaffen - Metallschaft - Einsteckl�ufe - Insert Barrels

Insert Barrels

from caliber 7 mm

up to caliber 6.5 mm

Insert barrels universalize and round off the range of use of break-action firearms. Keppeler insert barrels are made of first-class, partly stainless steel and stand out due to its perfect workmanship. The insert barrels are up to 72 cm long, full length, and flush-to-muzzle. They can be inserted and removed easily without the need of any tools while the point-of-impact does not change.

  • The patented Keppeler adjustment VVV was tested by the DEVA (German Institute for Testing Hunting and Sporting Firearms). Perfect precision and excellent performance when shooting multiple rounds heating up the barrel have been proven.

  • Point-of-impact does not change when inserting or removing the barrel

  • Adjustments of the insert barrel are possible without removing it: Due to four adjustment screws at the muzzle the insert barrel can be adjusted quickly and easily to the desired point-of-impact.

  • No adjustments of the choke are necessary when fitting the insert barrel to the gun.

  • Highest material and corrosion resistance ensure a long lifetime.

  • No fouling of the shotgun barrel because the insert barrel seals the shotgun barrel completely.

  • Fullbore insert barrels are only suitable for over-and-under rifles with an accordingly strong action (cal. 12/16/20).

Stainless insert barrels with barrel lengths up to 650 mm:

Insert Barrel Caliber Gauge
.17 HMR 12/16/20
.22 lfB 12/16/20
.22 WMR 12/16/20
.22 Hornet 12/16/20
.22 Hornet superlight 12/16
.222 Remington 12/16/20
.223 Remington 12/16/20
.204 Ruger 12/16/20
5,6 x 50 R Magnum 12/16/20
5,6 x 52 R Savage 12/16/20
6 x 52 Bretschneider 12/16/20
6 x 70 12/16/20

Fullbore insert barrels with barrel lengths up to 650 mm
(only suitable for over-and-under rifles with an accordingly strong action):

Further calibers and overlength insert barrels up to 720 mm are available on request.

We recommend conferring with us or your dealer before inserting an insert barrel bigger than .22 Hornet in break-action firearms, especially drillings of older age, to prevent your firearm from damages through overstraining the action.

Insert Barrel Caliber




6,5 x 57 R


6,5 x 65 R


7 x 57 R


7 x 65 R


.30 R Blaser


8 x 57 IRS


9,3 x 72 R




.308 Winchester


.243 Winchester


.270 Winchester


.8 x 57 IR


9,3 x 74 IR


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Caliber conversion sleeve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caliber conversion sleeve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "A caliber conversion sleeve (known by many names, including cartridge conversion sleeve, supplemental chamber, chamber insert, subgauge insert or subgauge tube) is a device which can be used to non-permanently alter a firearm to allow it to fire a different cartridge than the one it was originally designed to fire."

22lr to 22mag?

22lr to 22mag?: "What you do is remove the ejector and spring. Then shim behind the ejector so that it is about .001 to .002 high above the breach. I put thick grease in the hole for the ejector so it doesn't fall out. Then you ream the chamber, stop when the rim cutting part of the reamer just touches the ejector. This will ream the ejector to match the chamber you have just cut. Take out the shims and put it all back together and things will be good. Good luck. Larry"

22lr to 22mag?

22lr to 22mag?: "I have a mag reamer and have done both NEF's and Rossi's and they work great. When you do the chamber in the LR, you need to do it with the ejector in place but without the spring under it. Larry"

Bore Slugging Request - .22RF

Bore Slugging Request - .22RF: "Here is some info from C.E. Haris in Gun Disgest 1994, p.11; bore/groove dimensions:
.22LR are .217/.222
.22WMR .219/.224" "Want to own and shoot what the politicians call an 'assault weapon' legally in California?

RaddLock makes easy-to-install-yourself kits that make your off-list semi-automatic centerfire rifles California-compliant, turning them into 'fixed magazine' rifles which are not subject to the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989.

RaddLock's design philosophy is to make these kits as unobtrusive as possible and fully-reversible so that you can enjoy the both the form and function of your rifle as it was meant to be.

Currently, RaddLock offers magazine lock kits for the following rifles:"

[list here]

Also, (posted to arf):
Did a search found not much people mention it in this section.....

But make sure you "Neuter" (10rd limit and fixed magazine only removable with the aid of a tool) the upper before attaching to a lower in California!
AR57 is some what impractical to own in Cali. The whole point of owning this upper is to have access to 50rd of very controllable high velocity round.
But the laws says I can own one if it complies with CA DOJ. So here it is, built to California DOJ Spec.

Friday, February 25, 2011


For the 5.7x28mm Handi project, another option would be to start with a 17HM2 or 17 HMR barrel and re-bore to .22 caliber then rechamber to 5.7x28mm

Relining-Reboring-MuzzleBrake: "Reboring and Relining
Reboring your existing rifle barrel is an economical way to get a high quality barrel. The only acceptable process of re-rifling a barrel is to cut the rifling, button rifling will not work on tapered barrels. Cut rifling has been around for years and is a proven method of producing highly accurate barrels.

We will rebore rifle barrels that are 18 inches or longer. Minimum muzzle diameter for rebores up to .375 is .550. We do not rebore double rifles."

30 Carbine project

30 Carbine project: "Got the first few steps going on the 30 Carbine Handi. Tonight I started working on the 410 barrel for the stub for the 30 cal barrel. First I chucked it in the lathe and put a center in the breach, then turned a parallel spot in the barrel about 18.5 inches out from the breach. I also turned round the outside chamber area just in front of the hinge pin for my steady rest to run on while I bore and thread the chamber to accept the new barrel. I then parted the barrel off a 18.5 inches to make it a little easier to work with. I will leave it at 18.5 inches until I have the chamber machined away and the threads cut for the new barrel, then cut the chamber off from the rest of the 410 barrel. Guess we need to stay legal. A couple of thoughts so far. It would probably be easier to start with a 20 ga than a 410, a little less metal to remove. The forarm lug sure comes off easy, two little wacks and it was on the floor. If anyone needs the little brass bead front sight off a shotgun PM me, first one gets it free. Larry"

Building a Barrel for a H&R SB2 frame - Cast Boolits

Building a Barrel for a H&R SB2 frame - Cast Boolits

I offer the following information for no other reason than to show others how I have gone about the problem of obtaining barrels for the SB2 frame that are not offered by H&R.

Most of the work to this date has been on straight wall black powder cartridges for the Buffalo Classic. This covers .32-40, .38-55, .40-65, .45-70 and .50-70.
H&R Offers a .38-55 and .45-70 barrel but the rifling is very shallow and in my opinion
just OK for cast bullets.

The biggest cost is also the part that needs to have the most attention – The Barrel Blank. The first barrel that I built was on a Douglas (304 776-1341) 4140 .40 cal. 1-16 twist straight blank. This has proved to be a very accurate barrel. To date the only work I have done with it has been out to 200 yards. The biggest problem with using a straight blank is contouring it to what you need. I had a local custom barrel maker (Bull Barry Barrels) turn and chamber it for me. Part of this turned out to be a cost that I didn’t need if I would have spent more time to think things through.
The second barrel was a Badger Barrel (262 857-6950) .38 call Octagon. I faxed Ernie a drawing of what I wanted and he furnished it in a very timely manner. The cost was less than a straight blank and having to turn it to what I wanted. This barrel has one of the smoothest bores I have seen. Again only shot it out to 200 yards but have got some very good groups. My suggestion would be to purchase a Barrel that is contoured from the maker. For ease of machining I have the barrel short chambered, cut to length and crowned before any more work is done.

The next big problem is the lug that welds to the barrel. I produced a drawing to have this part machined, see attached drawing 000-001. The most economical way to have this part made was to go to a shop that works with CNC equipment. Again I went to a local shop, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (801 973-9462) to furnish me this part. The cost for one part was just about as much as ten so I ordered ten. When I made the drawing I tried to give my self enough room to hand fit the locking lug. So there is a small amount of leeway in this lug. It has worked out very well for me.

The next problem is to locate the lug on the barrel, to do this I built a fixture. See attached drawing 000-002. To set this fixture I use the stock barrel from the action
that I’m building for. And again there is a small amount of leeway in the lug for hand fitting. After the fixture and lug are in place I use a small C-clamp to hold every thing in place.

Fixture, Lug and Barrel clamped together for welding.

Before clamping the lug to the barrel there is a small amount of pre-fit-up that can be done. I make sure the lug will fit snug in the action on its own. This may take a little polishing to accomplish but just go slow.

The next step will be to weld the lug to the barrel. I had the lug machined from 4130 material and have had real good results welding it to 4140 barrels. The barrel, lug, fixture and C-clamps are all pre-heated to 250 to 300 deg. I use a modified rod oven for this.
The lug is TIG welded to the barrel using 4130 filler wire. I tack weld the side of the lug that you can get to first then remove the fixture, re-clamp and weld the other side. After welding remove the C-clamp and wrapped in a heat blanket to control how it cools and returned to the oven. The oven is then turned down to start cooling. This should take about 8 to 12 hours.

Next is fitting the barrel/lug assembly to the action. This is done with standard gunsmith procedures. The locking lug is over size so it can be hand fit to the action. This is one of those “take a little off” and try type things.

Next is the fore end lug. This is spot welded on the stock barrel. I opted to use a dove tail to retain the lug. See attached drawing 000-003. I had a local machinist turn out ten of these to go with the ten lugs. This can be cut and installed at the same time the sights are installed.

Next the barrel will need to be finish chambered and checked for head space.
Again this is just standard gunsmith procedures. Ejector parts are available from Brownell (800 741-0015) or Gunparts (845 679-2417). Install the ejector parts and check for final fit to action.

All that is left to do is remove the ejector part, polish and blue the finished barrel.

This has been a very educational project for me and I have enjoyed the outcome.
I have come to the conclusion that it is no harder to build a barrel for a H&R than it is for a TC Contender and I’m working on a way to make a adjustable lock for the SB2 frame.

In closing I would like to say that every thing that I have done can be done by any one else. There is no magic to making a barrel like this and I hope this information helps some one else have as much enjoyment as I have had.

Swede-Nelson "Welcome to

We carry a great selection of Red dot mounts for your FN Five Seven. We currently offer one for the Burris Fastfire II, Trijicon RMR and Nikko XT. We will soon have mounts for the Insight and the DeltaPoint. We also offer a large selection of outdoor and hunting gear on our main site"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Elite Iron High Quality Suppressors

Elite Iron High Quality Suppressors

The Elite Iron suppressor product line-up as picture below is: Alpha, Bravo, Bravo 1, CQC, Delta, Echo 5-inch, Echo 6-inch, Echo 5.7x28, and Sierra.

Elite Iron Suppression Systems

Sunday, February 20, 2011

CNCGUNSMITHING - - Home of the AR45

CNCGUNSMITHING - - Home of the AR45

Home CNC and gunsmithing. Products. Downloads. Discussion forum.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Scopes - rifle scopes, handgun scopes, hunting scopes by Burris Optics

This might work on the PS90 with the MSW's ACOG mount...

Scopes - rifle scopes, handgun scopes, hunting scopes by Burris Optics: "AR-332™ Prism Sight

A 3x tactical prism sight that’s rugged, compact, and waterproof, the AR-332 features our unique Ballistic/CQ™ reticle. This ‘Close Quarters’ reticle performs at long range too, with bullet drop compensation out to 500 yards. It ships with integrated lens covers, multi-coated lenses, a 1.5' sunshade and a Picatinny rail mounting bracket. Also mounts on an AR carry handle."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

SOLD: FN P90 SMG manual :: FN Forum.NET

SOLD: FN P90 SMG manual :: FN Forum.NET: "Take a look at this rare item.

A couple of more pics here:


PS90 barrel removal instuctions. Lots of pictures. - AR15.COM

PS90 barrel removal instuctions. Lots of pictures. - AR15.COM

Disassembly instructions. For qualified gunsmith only!

Unload and disassemble the PS90 and secure the barreled receiver in a drill press.

I used a #43 carbide bit and drilled out the blind pin.

Using barrel blocks, clamp the barrel into a vise. You can then slip a 15mm wrench onto the chamber end of the barrel. A stardard size wrench will not fit, so you have to thin it down a bit in order for it to work.

The barrel/flash hider is left hand thread, so turn the wrench clockwise to break it free. The barrel is now loose from the hider/sleeve and you can now slide it off.

There are 3 springs used in conjunction with the barrel. Here is the charging handle spring which is inside the receiver and is visible when you take your receiver off of the stock. There is a spring inbetween the sleeve and receiver (pictured below). And lastly, there is a spring and the takedown button near the chamber end of the weapon. I didn't take pics of the handle or takedown spring as I didn't remove them for installation of the new barrel.

Instead of sliding my old barrel out of the rear of the receiver and having to mess with reinstalling the takedown and charging handle spring, I choose to to a dowel rod (or old PS90 barrel) to push the old barrel out (front to back). This keeps the springs captive. That way, when the new barrel is installed, you just push it in back to front and the springs are still there.

Short barrel assembly instructions. For qualified gunsmith installation. All NFA rules apply!

Place the flash hider in a 19mm wrench (wrench has to be thinned like the 15mm wrench mentioned above). I position the wrench on the left side of the vise as pictured so when you install the barrel/hider counterclockwise (left hand thread), the wrench will bottom out on the vise shaft.

That should be enough detail for anyone to see how a barrel can be salvaged and a new barrel installed on the PS90/P90 weapon system.

Thank you all for your patience on getting this project done.

An FPGA device for guns fire rate control How to increase sales by reducing the rate of fire

An FPGA device for guns fire rate control
How to increase sales by reducing the rate of fire
Technologies used

    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

Industrial sector (PRODCOM code)
    29 Machinery

FN Herstal Belgium designs, produces and sells light terrestrial weaponry. The company has 1300 employees with 2 (one engineer and one technician) involved in electronics. Before the AE, the company’s experience in microelectronic was nearly non-existent.

FN has developed a new submachine gun, the P90, specially designed for the special intervention squads, for elite troops and for brigade police. Currently this product represents around 12% of the revenue of the FN Herstal. For a best use of the P90, it was necessary to reduce the rate of fire. The FUSE project has allowed this improvement by the introduction of an electronic system based on a FPGA.

Mechanical solutions are more expensive and the reduction of the shooting pace is not sufficient. The electronics has allowed to improve the performances of the weapon and to add functions that did not exist. The project duration was 6 months with a budget of 49 kECU. The payback period of the project is estimated to 3 or 4 years, which is acceptable for this kind of specific market. The ratio between the extra turnover (due to the FPGA introduction) and the investment during the 10 years estimated lifetime of the new product is approximate 1/100. The ROI for the same period is estimated to approx. 144,88%.

The application experiment is of interest for companies that have a small department of electronics and that introduce electronics in one of their product for the first time.


    FN Herstal s.a.
    Voie de Liège, 33
    B-4400, Herstal

Detailed information

You can also benefit from microelectronics

FPGA technology provided FN Herstal Belgium with the means of improving its products and enhancing its market position. You can also achieve significant benefits by acquiring the right microelectronics technology and utilising it in your product or manufacturing process. You can get help from FUSE to realise this.

FUSE is a technology transfer programme, funded by the European Commission to stimulate the wider use of microelectronics technologies by European enterprises to increase their competitiveness and enhance their economic growth. The demonstrator described here is one of many examples in the public FUSE portfolio covering the whole spectrum of microelectronics technologies and spanning a wide range of applications and industry sectors.

FUSE provides you with:

  • Best practice in acquiring specific microelectronics technologies and conducting full development projects through the FUSE portfolio of real life demonstrator documents.
  • Local training and expert support to plan your innovation realistically and help you conduct your project successfully.

Further information and support relating to this and other demonstrators can be obtained from the addresses below.

Further information Guiding Technology Transfer Node
For further information and support regarding this case study, please contact a Technology Transfer Node (TTN) in your region.
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons
Service d' Electronique
Boulevard Dolez, 31
B-7000 Mons

WTS Green Dot Fiber- Optic sight PS90/P90 NEW :: FN Forum.NET

WTS Green Dot Fiber- Optic sight PS90/P90 NEW :: FN Forum.NET

Here are green dot pics, I have more than one unit and am keeping one for self so opened one. Hope this helps.

WTS Green Dot Fiber- Optic sight PS90/P90 NEW :: FN Forum.NET

WTS Green Dot Fiber- Optic sight PS90/P90 NEW :: FN Forum.NET

WTS New Green Dot Fiber-Optic sight for PS90/P90. Still in protective wrapper untouched. $295.00 Smile
Here Come The Photos Awesome


Friday, February 11, 2011

Savage 25WV 5.7X28 $451.00 SHIPS FREE

Savage 25WV 5.7X28 $451.00 SHIPS FREE: "Savage 25WV 5.7X28

Model: 19158

Item Condition: Factory New

Bud's Item Number: 71372"

Pistol Brass - Once Fired

Pistol Brass - Once Fired: "(6t) 5.7x28 - Mixed - 100 ct (6t) 5.7x28 - Mixed - 100 ct
100 Rounds - 5.7x28 Brass. Mixed Head-Stamp. *Shipping Included US Postal Only*
PRICE: $20.00
(6u) 5.7x28 - Mixed - 500 ct (6u) 5.7x28 - Mixed - 500 ct
500 Rounds - 5.7x28 Brass. Mixed Head-Stamp. *Shipping Included US Postal Only*
PRICE: $55.00
(6v) 5.7x28 - Mixed - 1000 ct (6v) 5.7x28 - Mixed - 1000 ct
1000 Rounds - 5.7x28 Brass Mixed Head-Stamp. *Shipping Included US Postal Only*
PRICE: $100.00"

Saturday, February 05, 2011

FCOM15A, Wrench, Metric, Crowfoot, Open End, 15 mm

FCOM15A, Wrench, Metric, Crowfoot, Open End, 15 mm: "Product Specifications
Stock # FCOM15A
Name Wrench, Metric, Crowfoot, Open End, 15 mm
Price** $23.00
Brand Snap-on
Country Of Origin USA
Size, mm 15
Finish Chrome
Dimension, mm A 31.8
Dimension, mm C 22.7
Dimension, mm E 5.3
Dimension, mm F 13.2
Dimension D, Length, mm 40.9
Maximum Recommended Working Torque, in. lb. 125"

Heads up for anybody looking for a sweet holster :: FN Forum.NET

Heads up for anybody looking for a sweet holster :: FN Forum.NET:

Also a neat trick, you can modify the Serpa to carry a 5-7 w/ suppressor.

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